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The Skully Files

Creator of Dollz By Dezign. Founder and Minister of The Ministry of Morrigans Cross and Originating Founder and President of Morrigans Cross WMC

Creator of Dollz By Dezign. Founder and Minister of The Ministry of Morrigans Cross and Originating Founder and President of Morrigans Cross WMC
If you’re about to read my blog, I must forewarn you that at times I may not be politically correct. I have zero filter. I can be extremely sarcastic, but usually out of humour. My friends are always saying I am here for entertainment purposes only, and I’m good with that. Infact I embrace it because I feel having a sense of humour is very important when getting through life. I see it as a career choice and I do it well, so I strive to be the best at it. If you’re the kind of person who takes things too seriously, you will end up giving yourself a heart attack. I have bucket list a mile long, and I feel others should as well, as I believe we can’t get through life, living it the same way day in and day out, unless you enjoy being stuck, or ok with just existing. We all have purpose and believe me just existing isn’t one of them. Accomplishing anything from your list, shouldn’t be considered as work. To me it means having character, being a person of your word, instead of just letting crap fly out of your mouth and doing nothing. You possess morals. Having morals are super important to me as well, as we are all important. Treating others differently then how you wish to be treated is like playing dirty, where what you do is all that matters and no one else is considered.
Having that list gives you things to look forward to, instead of relying on others to entertain you. It keeps you going through life knowing you at least tried. My biggest nightmare is being that old lady, with 5 cats, even though I do have 5 cats, die thinking, I wish I had done that. I love learning new things. I love peoples stories and through my stories, which can truly be compared to a Jerry Springer episode, and still have the ability to exist and hold my head high, makes for some pretty awesome stories, makes a pretty damn interesting person. I have character and it’s one of the things I would never change and I just get better with age. Also sufficed to what some may say, mostly the men I have pissed off, I have a heart so big it is one of my biggest faults. I wouldn’t change it for the world no matter how many times it gets me stepped on and used, as it is also my greatest quality to becoming a leader of change, a woman with big shoulders, a woman that will take a shit kicking for those other women around me that have to go through shit daily just to exist. To me its all worth it if it helps if not only one women, but many other women around me find their true authentic selves. Most importantly I am not perfect, no one is, and we all fuck up, but owning it is half the battle. With that being said, I promise to be honest with whomever reads what I write.
I have chosen to do a blog of my own, not for pity or sympathy, but hopefully to help others realize that no matter how hard life gets, no matter what life throws at you, you have a chance to be a survivor, a choice to be who you want to be, and the right to be happy.
I’m going to try and help show you that’s it’s true, loving yourself is one of the most important things to learn, and once you have accomplished this, other things will fall into place and I will always admit that I am still learning.
I will walk you through different stages and aspects of my life, and in the lives of others. I will introduce you to my views on the world we live in, but remember they are mine and you can take whatever view you want from them. I will introduce books I’ve read, things I’ve seen or experienced and the people I have met that have helped changed me into the better person that I am today.
I also hope to help you realize that life is too fucking short, live for today, not yesterday, reach for the sky because anything is possible. Love others, and most importantly just “be you”. Smile, because you may not know it now, you have more power within yourself than you think.
Well behaved women rarely make history. Remember this always…
Much love,