
Skully Files Re do


Creator of Dollz By Dezign. Founder and Minister of The Ministry of Morrigans Cross and Originating Founder and President of Morrigans Cross WMC

Skully Files Re do


Creator of Dollz By Dezign. Founder and Minister of The Ministry of Morrigans Cross and Originating Founder and President of Morrigans Cross WMC

First let me introduce myself, my name is Skully, the Founder of Dollz by Dezign. I am a woman of many hats for many reasons, but I do not believe in labeling ourselves to define who we really are. Each hat I wear is there because one of my biggest belief’s is that by leading by example, I can show other women that anything is possible in life if you try, even when life gets scary and you think you have no other options left. Many of us experience or live with road blocks that make us feel that we’re not meant for anything greater. That we should just settle. That were never good enough. But the reality is, we as individuals allow these things to hold us back. I’ve learned over time, and that I am still learning, is that what I thought defined me, what I believed held me back from seeing my true authentic self, was never anyone else’s fault but my own. It is true that the shitty things that happen in your life make the work that much harder, but it is only you who is in charge of how your story plays out. It’s up to you to rewrite it, no matter how many changes need to be made, to take your power back.

I stopped blaming my past, as blame will get you nowhere. Instilling that drama in your life is a waste of an emotion and space, so why not learn from it and create a better future for yourself. Learn from your mistakes. Leave the garbage at the curb. Own your shit. Forgive yourself and realize that sometimes you just need to take a step back in order to move forward. No one is perfect. Just know that with each baby step your take, and with each hurdle you overcome, and with each accomplishment you achieve, life will be that much easier, living each day knowing that you at least tried.

Why am I telling you all these things? Well because this is what makes up the whole purpose and is the entirety of Dollz By Dezign being in existence. It’s the “you go girl”, in your face, no sugar coated support network of women. It’s purpose is to either give you a pat on the back, or an abrupt nudge to bring you back to senses. We’re here to help you realize you deserve better. It’s the help and support of so many other women out there like myself to give you that extra push to take that power back, because trust me it’s there, and always has been.

Dollz by Dezign was a vision of mine which I created a few years back. The basis still remains the same, but I needed to rewrite my own story to move forward. Change is scary, but brilliant all the same. It’s when you realize that to move forward you also need to change the things that are important to you. So it is with excitement that I am introducing the newly revamped Dollz By Dezign. With restructuring, a brand new look, out of the box, no filter, more in your face blogs such as Girl With No Name, Real Men Don’t Abuse Women, So Tell Me What You Really Think and The Skully Files,  and newly created education and mentorship programs such as The Believe Foundation, The Geriatric Foundation and Crochet For A Cause, and so many other pretty kickass things for women to show up, be seen and take part in, and the oldie but the goodie like The Doll Challenge, the vision is still the same, that if helping not only one woman, and the possibility of many more as well, realize their full potential, she has a choice of how her life will play out, and will then be the best version of her true authentic self that she has always truly deserved.

Let’s all work together to redezign the world we live in, contributing to everyone around us.

Much love,



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Girl With No Name Blog

The Girl With No Name

Social Service Worker

Girl With No Name Blog

The Girl With No Name

Social Service Worker

Do you know your purpose here on Earth? I didn’t, at least not until recently.

I became the “The Girl With No Name”, and for good reasons. The first reason being for my safety as I have to hide my true identity. The other to make light of my situation. Once the ladies from Dollz By Dezign offered me to be the first girl ever to take part as a Mentee in their Believe Foundation Mentorship Program, the first thing they did was give me my new handle. They stated that revealing your real name to society was not a prerequisite, as in their world everyone has a road name anyway. They stated that each name given, as it is never chosen by yourself, comes with honor and a great story behind it, and as Skully the Founder stated, “It keeps them guessing doesn’t it? “

I wear this handle with pride, not from shame, because it showed me that someone took the time to see who I really am.  It allows me to be heard, to have a voice, but to also be a representative to all the women out there that come from or are living with a situation like mine to know, that your not alone. I now know there is always someone to lean on, and I want other women to know this as well. The opportunity I was given to be mentored by the ladies of  “The Believe Foundation” now allows me to mentor others as well, and I thank them wholeheartedly.

I am 25 years old, and currently reside within Durham Region and have just recently became a counsellor at a women’s shelter in my area. I have two incredible parents, a younger brother, and a beautiful community of likeminded individuals who aim to serve a higher purpose, like me.

I had a great childhood. I come from a good family, one that taught me morals and values and provided me with unconditional love and support. My parents always made sure my brother and I had what we needed, they took us on trips, they played with us, they put us in different activities, and they made sure we had an opportunity to go to school and become whatever we desired. I originally went to school to become a Vet Technician, but soon dropped out and went back a few years later for Social Work. That decision came after many years of struggling with mental health, addiction, and trauma.  During high school, I became very unwell. Major depression, crippling anxiety, and suicidal tendencies hovered over me and made me feel like I was constantly drowning. I was introduced to people who felt the same as me and demonstrated unhealthy coping mechanisms. And it was through those people, that I found drugs and discovered a whole different level of suffering and insanity.

My use of substances led me into a drug induced psychosis. My addiction led me to people who abused me physically, sexually, mentally, and emotionally, it led me to people who exploited me and worse. After going through countless traumatic experiences, I developed CPTSD and have been living in a constant state of fight or flight.

I have been through multiple mental health and addiction programs, I’ve been in and out of hospital, I’ve been to detox and rehab, I joined Narcotics Anonymous and most recently have started trauma therapy. I am grateful for having access to these services, although not all of them were helpful. They all taught me something different about myself and I learned what worked for me and what didn’t. I realized that if I want my life to improve, I must take responsibility for my healing, even if I didn’t cause my trauma.


No one was coming to save me, I had to save myself. But I’ve had a lot of great support along the way. I have connected with some incredibly powerful and strong women who I know will always be in my corner. These women have brought me into the motorcycle community and have empowered me to become the most independent, strong, and most healed version of myself. They encouraged me to get on a motorcycle and have shown me that woman can do ANYTHING a man can do and better.

Riding and club life seems to be male dominated, but it doesn’t have to be. As women we have the power to end that stigma if we all come together and realize how much power we actually have, as it is within that power that we can create change within our communities.

These women taught me it’s okay to be vulnerable, for there is courage in vulnerability. They have provided me with a sense of safety and belonging, an environment filled with love, compassion and free of judgement. They have given me a voice. They’ve given me hope.

My purpose here on Earth is to hold space for women who have experienced any type of discrimination, harassment, assault and/or violence and allow them to feel safe, seen and heard. It is important to me that women know they are not alone and that it is okay to be vulnerable and ask for help. This is a safe space to be ourselves, to grow, to learn and to empower each other. We never have to suffer alone or in silence, ever again.

As women we are all part of a greater plan, the power to create change, so please feel free to reach out to me at for all welcomed feedback and questions.

Vulnerability is not about winning, and it’s not about losing, it’s about having the courage to show up and be seen”. Brene Brown

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Really Think Re Do (1)

So Tell Me What You Really Think

Dollz By Dezign Contributor

Really Think Re Do (1)

So Tell Me What You Really Think

Dollz By Dezign Contributor

Does anyone remember the newspaper column Dear Anne Landers, or am I just giving my age away? Have you ever watched the show the Voice? I haven’t, but the dream is that one day this column will become an actual show. What can I say. I like to dream big. Have you ever sat back and thought what the fuck is wrong with the world we live in today? Why do people live and act with the mentality of a car wreck, where everyone slows down, but no one really wants to stop and help? Do you ever wonder why so many people live like the Dunkin Donut guy, or live in their little cookie cutter shaped boxed houses? Have you ever wanted to give your opinion, or bring up a subject, and haven’t because of what you thought people would think of you, or portray you as? These and many other questions is why the “So Tell Me What You Think Blog” was created.

It’s a blog to give women the opportunity to anonymously bring up subjects, take part in discussions and give their opinions to the things that concern them and haven’t quite found their voice yet to do it publicly.

I know it took me forever to find my voice, and I am still finding it to this day. As I get older, maybe it’s menopause, or that I’ve just had enough of being stepped on, that I am now finally realizing that I just don’t care what people think of me anymore. My real friends will love me. That’s all that matters. I speak my mind, and never with a filter, but never with the intention of hurting anyone deliberately with my words. I do believe though that my opinion matters but will also take yours in to consideration if I feel its valid and not just bullshit. I truly believe speaking behind someone’s back, or being intentionally hurtful will always come back at you ten fold. The world really should just take a chill pill some days and get along already.

This blog is not a forum to become the dreaded keyboard warrior. Check your Drama Queen mentality at the door because if you get offended easily, reading, or even taking part in this blog is not for you girl. It’s about discussing subjects that we all probably think about, but never truly discuss in a public forum. My personal favourite as an ice breaker and discussion magnet, “Girl, please do tell me why men think we love it when they send us dick pics?”, and so on, and so on… Yes this will be a discussion for a future date. I promise.

Send us your no filter questions. Send us your no filter comments and tell us what you really think anonymously if you choose to

Let us help you find your voice, speak your mind and be your true authentic self.

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Real Men Don't Abuse Women

Dollz By Dezign Contributor

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Real Men Don't Abuse Women

Dollz By Dezign Contributor

Real Men Don’t Abuse Women is a blog created to not only educate you about the world we live in today when it comes to the atrocities we as women suffer through daily, such as femicide, human trafficking, physical, sexual, emotional abuse and to many other abuses to name. Sexism, gender-based violence, genital mutilation, and rape. This is just the short list of what women have to live through daily and worldwide, even thou society and media portrays it quite differently.

It was created to ask yourself a few simple questions. When you see or hear about these things happening around you do you think, this will never happen to me, or did it make you realize it is happening around you daily and you had no clue. Does it make you feel sick to your stomach that this is the world we live in and have been living in for so long? Have you ever asked yourself why it was going on this long? Why are these things still happening? How do you react?

Do you realize that we have only made little baby leaps instead of bounds as women being seen as a person with rights? A total contradiction to how we are made to feel, how it really is, or how society and media portrays these non existent changes?

Whether we have been brainwashed to believe this from our upbringings or from the society that we live in today, all of us here at Dollz By Dezign say enough is enough. It should no longer be allowed to be used as an excuse or hide what is really happening to the women and children that surround us in the world we live in today. We as a whole unit have the power to make that change. We have a voice.

We here at Dollz by Dezign believe education is a predominant key to making that positive change within our communities, and in the world we live in today. Not only will it help change the way we act, think, feel, and react to these issues, but with educating enough people and their children, we can help make life better for those that are subjected to living these nightmares daily and create a brighter future for our children.

Together we can make a difference one baby step at a time

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Crochet for a Cause Blog Image

Crocheting For A Cause

Dollz By Dezign Contributor

Crochet for a Cause Blog Image

Crocheting For A Cause

Dollz By Dezign Contributor

Do you love to crochet and have time to spare? Do you have any spare yarn or craft supplies kicking around and you want it gone? Do you know what happens to your brain when you crochet?

Well, let all of us here at Dollz by Dezign tell you from our experience is that is just makes you feel out right HAPPY, and possibly less at risk of needing bail at some point in your life. It’s a known fact that crocheting produces a calming, meditative effect and actually helps those that are suffering from memory loss and reduces the symptoms of depression and anxiety. The mind-challenging nature of crochet helps the brain’s ability to operate even when it is damaged. Therapy plus doing it for a cause equals good feeling all around.

From teddy bears to blankets, we find this is one of the coolest and fun ways to give back, and the two or four legged people we crochet for find its an extra special way of spreading our love.

Stay tuned for up and coming projects, supplies and colors needed and if  you would love to get involved in any way with Crochet for a Cause please drop us a line by submitting your name in our Volunteer section and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

“Remember yarn is cheaper then therapy.” Skully

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Ministry of Morrigans Cross


Ministry of Morrigans Cross

Wedding services, bike blessings, home cleansings and celebrations done the Reverend Skully way.

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Contributor Image for Morrigans Cross WMC

Morrigans Cross WMC

Skully – Founder and President

Contributor Image for Morrigans Cross WMC

Morrigans Cross WMC

Skully – Founder and President

Morrigans Cross WMC is an all female Motorcycle Club created with the main agenda being women supporting women. If anyone is interested in what we do and how we help please contact us at

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The Doll Challenge

Dollz By Dezign Contributor


The Doll Challenge

Dollz By Dezign Contributor

Have you ever asked yourself this question, if you could change one thing about yourself, if you could help that one person, if you could do that one thing you have always wanted to try but have always been too scared to break out of the norm, would you, if someone challenged you?

This is what the Doll Challenge is. It’s a game of paying it forward, because once you do something for someone else, if you could change that one thing about yourself, or try that one thing you’ve always been too scared to do, you could be influencing another person, and so on, and so on to do the same things, then what a better world this would be. Not only would you be making a difference in your own life, but also for someone else.

So, let’s play!!

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Recognition replace in contributor and blog header


Dollz By Dezign Contributor

Recognition replace in contributor and blog header


Dollz By Dezign Contributor

There are so many great women and men in this world that deserve recognition for their efforts to make the world a better place and they do so selflessly. These women and men are the true Philanthropists of the world and they deserve the utmost respect for all the amazing things they do.

The word Philanthropist has always truly amazed me and true honour should be given to the men and women who wear this crown, as to me they are the most caring people I know.

What does it truly mean to be a Philanthropist? It’s a term I have heard used, but never really understood the meaning behind it. I believed that it was a person who did a lot for charity, and selflessly. I decided to research it’s true definition in the Webster Dictionary. It stated, “ a person who loved people and made the active effort to promote the welfare of people and most often used to refer specifically to the practice of giving time and money to help make life better for others.”

After reading this I felt like I should probably contact Webster dictionary and tell them to get there shit together and redefine its meaning.  Why? Because I feel, and it’s your decision to make of it what you believe, that those that do things for charity should be divided into two groups. This comes from my own personal experience of having the pleasure of working with the true Philanthropists of the world and those that do not deserve that title. The choice is yours to make but hopefully I can open your eyes, educate you, so that next time you make a choice to help someone, think first before you do. Ensure that those that are in need of help are getting what they require, and that the money is going exactly where you thought it should be going. It’s also to help you realize and put some thought into truly thanking the right people. It’s about morals. It’s about the ones that truly deserve our recognition for their efforts.

Here goes….

The first group is the little people, who I deem as the true Philanthropists. Those that are never truly recognized for all their hard work and efforts to make the world a better place. They are the most selfless group, who work so hard, give up their lives, and in most cases money out of their own pockets to make a difference in another persons life. From knowing these people, we generally just do what we do because we do not want another person to experience what we or our families have went through in the past. They are the people who do not need or want thanks to feel like a good person, nor do they want to be the centre of attention. They are the ones that make sure the money they raise, even if it is minimal, as they at least try, goes where it really needs to go, and not into some executives pocket. Some wear a cut on their back, which somehow unfortunately brings a stigma with it of instantly being labeled as bad people. People that are thought to be covering something up by doing something good. They know they are judged, but they still hold their heads high and walk away with a smile knowing they tried.

Then there is the second group who I feel deserve thanks for the amount they raise for charity, but not the recognition of being respected as a Philanthropist, as they are doing it for all the wrong reasons. Their personality is self serving. They love the spotlight and their heart is never truly into it. To them it’s a popularity contest on who can do it better and bigger. It sucks but its true, and unfortunately the reality of it is, for this group, is it takes money to make money, and they really do not care who or where it goes, and generally to them its just a tax right-off, or for the charities they raise so much money for. The executives with extremely large pockets.

Hopefully others will rethink before they give or donate next time. Do a little bit of research on your own. Start giving or donating to the charities that truly need our help and hopefully take the time and read the stories we want to share with you about the women and men we truly feel deserve recognition and praise for everything they do to make this world a better place. The world needs more people like them.

Thank you for all that you do.

Let’s all work together to redezign the world we live in, contributing to everyone around us.

Much love,


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Write For Us

Would you like to become one of our fabulous bloggers? Do you have an interesting story to share? Is there someone in your community that deserves recognition?

We here at Dollz By Dezign are always open to new suggestions, and meeting new people, so please feel free to fill the form below and we will gladly contact you back as soon as we can.

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