Posts From
Behind The Lines

Behind The Lines
Dollz By Dezign Contributor

Have you ever thought, when you see, or hear of a person that has been, or is living through abuse, whether it be friends, family, or complete strangers and wonder what their life is really like? Do you tend to judge them automatically because they are not like you? If your answer is yes, then we thank you for your honesty. Most think escaping and never putting yourself in situations such as these is an easy task. Many of these women are looked down upon, instead of being looked at with care and compassion.
These women have a story, and we here at Dollz By Dezign hope to change your views and open your hearts by educating you as to what they live through, their history, and what really goes on behind closed doors.
By taking the time to listen you could help redezign the world we live in and make a difference in some woman’s life.
In every fairy tale the girl who is saved is the girl who saves herself. Many just don’t have the strength.
Much Love