Posts From
The Believe Foundation

The Believe Foundation
Dollz By Dezign Contributor

The Believe Foundation
Dollz By Dezign Contributor
Rule number one, my own personal rule anyway, is that you need to always look at the why’s to truly understand the what’s, and for those that are truly interested in becoming a part of the Believe Foundation, either as a mentor or as an applicant for this program, we need you to know why this program is so important and beneficial for women between the ages of 18 to 30.
I am a big believer that things happen for a reason, and that we are meant to be where we are meant to be, but when I think back on my life from the ages of 18 to 30 I realized that if I had the support of others in my life, maybe my life would have turned out differently. Maybe, I wouldn’t have felt like I was the only one living through my own personal hell. Maybe, the other women in my life, me included, weren’t products of our time and behaving like they were told to. Whether I was told to suck up my emotions, because god forbid your air your dirty laundry or embarrass anyone, or maybe, if I had not been made to feel like I had the plague because I had a vagina, I may have made better life choices and still struggling to find my place in the world at the age of 54.
I started to research and get feedback from other women as to how they also felt at this age, because as the years passed, and when I started to have a voice, I came to the realization that the majority of us felt like we were sinking in that same boat back then. Many women that have lived with, and experienced any form of trauma, remembering trauma comes in many forms, had a support network that was almost non existent between the ages of 18 to 30, and, as sad as it is, this problem still exists to this day, if not worse.
Whether it be from the lack of governmental funding and mental health resources and programs, sexism, stigmatism from society, or from the history of our upbringings, it was no excuse, but when looking back at the big picture, all I know, and as many other women have agreed, is that if we had not pushed other women away, like we were taught to, then maybe we would have made better choices and looked at ourselves, and the world a little bit differently.
Dollz by Dezign’s main focus has and always will be about helping women live a better life. With our experiences, and by educating ourselves, we are proudly introducing The Believe Foundation as a Mentorship Program for women between the ages of 18 to 30, with the second prerequisite being that they are living with, or a survivor of any form trauma, abuse, or mental illness. We choose this age group because we felt that it is one of the most detrimental ages in a women’s life where she has become an adult and has many decisions to make about which direction her life is going. Being a trauma victim, suffering from the effects of trauma, abuse, or mental illness, only makes her ability to make the right choices that much harder, especially when the underlying factors within society such as government cutbacks and the lack of a support network for this age group are extra added stressors and create more damage.
The Believe Foundation Mentorship Program allows the woman to have a diverse group of women of all ages, that are all unique in their own life experiences, to hang out with, and use as a sounding board in hopes that she will make decisions in her life that will benefit her the best. Decisions that will allow her to live her best life and never feel guilty for being her true authentic self.
Whether it be through education programs, meet ups, riding the roads, taking courses, and helping out as a group in their communities with the variety of charities we support, both the mentor and mentee are asked to take part in the future of The Believe Foundation. We embrace each person as an equal and welcome their voice as to how the foundation moves forward with its daily functions, and adopt their ideas for future outings, etc. All of us working as a whole, together. We are pretty excited about how things are moving forward nicely and with the women we are mentoring so far, so please stay tuned for future updates and events in this section
One of our greatest highlights, while this program was being finalized was that we had already started with our first Mentee “The Girl With No Name” as a test run with her permission, to see how things would play out to help where help was needed the most. She is one amazing girl who we have purchased a motorcycle for. Each woman is unique so we gear her program to what would implement the greatest positive changes in her life, and having the ability and resources to ride a motorcycle is what she showed the most interest in. The ability to be free and on her own terms was the basis in our decision. With the heartwarming thanks to great people like Don Redekop from Learning Curves, and his donation to put her through the M2 course for free, she passed not only her M2 but also acquired her G1 at the same time with flying colors. She is experiencing what wind therapy and sisterhood truly means, so please make sure you read her monthly blog in our blog section.
We are always looking for great women and men to take part in this program. So if you, or anyone you know, would be interested in becoming a supporting Member, or Mentor of the Believe Foundation Mentorship Program for a fee of $10.00 a month, please feel free to drop us a line in our volunteer section, or email Skully at . This will allow you access to monthly financial reports, details, and updates on our program, with the option to also become more involved as a Board Member.
Do you know a woman who may qualify as a Mentee and may benefit from this program? Please feel free to drop us a line in our volunteer section, or email Skully at We will gladly set time aside for you, for a call or meet up time, as each girl is unique.
Much Love