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So Tell Me What You Really Think

So Tell Me What You Really Think
Dollz By Dezign Contributor

Does anyone remember the newspaper column Dear Anne Landers, or am I just giving my age away? Have you ever watched the show the Voice? I haven’t, but the dream is that one day this column will become an actual show. What can I say. I like to dream big. Have you ever sat back and thought what the fuck is wrong with the world we live in today? Why do people live and act with the mentality of a car wreck, where everyone slows down, but no one really wants to stop and help? Do you ever wonder why so many people live like the Dunkin Donut guy, or live in their little cookie cutter shaped boxed houses? Have you ever wanted to give your opinion, or bring up a subject, and haven’t because of what you thought people would think of you, or portray you as? These and many other questions is why the “So Tell Me What You Think Blog” was created.
It’s a blog to give women the opportunity to anonymously bring up subjects, take part in discussions and give their opinions to the things that concern them and haven’t quite found their voice yet to do it publicly.
I know it took me forever to find my voice, and I am still finding it to this day. As I get older, maybe it’s menopause, or that I’ve just had enough of being stepped on, that I am now finally realizing that I just don’t care what people think of me anymore. My real friends will love me. That’s all that matters. I speak my mind, and never with a filter, but never with the intention of hurting anyone deliberately with my words. I do believe though that my opinion matters but will also take yours in to consideration if I feel its valid and not just bullshit. I truly believe speaking behind someone’s back, or being intentionally hurtful will always come back at you ten fold. The world really should just take a chill pill some days and get along already.
This blog is not a forum to become the dreaded keyboard warrior. Check your Drama Queen mentality at the door because if you get offended easily, reading, or even taking part in this blog is not for you girl. It’s about discussing subjects that we all probably think about, but never truly discuss in a public forum. My personal favourite as an ice breaker and discussion magnet, “Girl, please do tell me why men think we love it when they send us dick pics?”, and so on, and so on… Yes this will be a discussion for a future date. I promise.
Send us your no filter questions. Send us your no filter comments and tell us what you really think anonymously if you choose to
Let us help you find your voice, speak your mind and be your true authentic self.