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Real Men Don’t Abuse Women

Real Men Don't Abuse Women
Dollz By Dezign Contributor

Real Men Don’t Abuse Women is a blog created to not only educate you about the world we live in today when it comes to the atrocities we as women suffer through daily, such as femicide, human trafficking, physical, sexual, emotional abuse and to many other abuses to name. Sexism, gender-based violence, genital mutilation, and rape. This is just the short list of what women have to live through daily and worldwide, even thou society and media portrays it quite differently.
It was created to ask yourself a few simple questions. When you see or hear about these things happening around you do you think, this will never happen to me, or did it make you realize it is happening around you daily and you had no clue. Does it make you feel sick to your stomach that this is the world we live in and have been living in for so long? Have you ever asked yourself why it was going on this long? Why are these things still happening? How do you react?
Do you realize that we have only made little baby leaps instead of bounds as women being seen as a person with rights? A total contradiction to how we are made to feel, how it really is, or how society and media portrays these non existent changes?
Whether we have been brainwashed to believe this from our upbringings or from the society that we live in today, all of us here at Dollz By Dezign say enough is enough. It should no longer be allowed to be used as an excuse or hide what is really happening to the women and children that surround us in the world we live in today. We as a whole unit have the power to make that change. We have a voice.
We here at Dollz by Dezign believe education is a predominant key to making that positive change within our communities, and in the world we live in today. Not only will it help change the way we act, think, feel, and react to these issues, but with educating enough people and their children, we can help make life better for those that are subjected to living these nightmares daily and create a brighter future for our children.
Together we can make a difference one baby step at a time