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Crocheting For a Cause

Crocheting For A Cause
Dollz By Dezign Contributor

Do you love to crochet and have time to spare? Do you have any spare yarn or craft supplies kicking around and you want it gone? Do you know what happens to your brain when you crochet?
Well, let all of us here at Dollz by Dezign tell you from our experience is that is just makes you feel out right HAPPY, and possibly less at risk of needing bail at some point in your life. It’s a known fact that crocheting produces a calming, meditative effect and actually helps those that are suffering from memory loss and reduces the symptoms of depression and anxiety. The mind-challenging nature of crochet helps the brain’s ability to operate even when it is damaged. Therapy plus doing it for a cause equals good feeling all around.
From teddy bears to blankets, we find this is one of the coolest and fun ways to give back, and the two or four legged people we crochet for find its an extra special way of spreading our love.
Stay tuned for up and coming projects, supplies and colors needed and if you would love to get involved in any way with Crochet for a Cause please drop us a line by submitting your name in our Volunteer section and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
“Remember yarn is cheaper then therapy.” Skully