The Skully Files 3
Dollz By Dezign in conjunction with Riders take you for a tour of Project Trauma Support in Perth, Ontario a program created by Dr. Manuella Joannou. Please join us as we are welcomed with open arms to give you an inside point of view from Rob Martin as he tells you have much it has saved his life. I wanted everyone to see where all the money you donate goes and how much it helps and changes the life of many Veterans and First Responders suffering from PTSD.
Much Love
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About The Author

Creator of Dollz By Dezign. Founder and Minister of The Ministry of Morrigans Cross and Originating Founder and President of Morrigans Cross WMC

Creator of Dollz By Dezign. Founder and Minister of The Ministry of Morrigans Cross and Originating Founder and President of Morrigans Cross WMC
First let me introduce myself, my name is Skully, the Founder of Dollz by Dezign. I am a woman of many hats for many reasons, but I do not believe in labeling ourselves to define who we really are. Each hat I wear is there because one of my biggest belief’s is that by leading by example, I can show other women that anything is possible in life if you try, even when life gets scary and you think you have no other options left. Many of us experience or live with road blocks that make us feel that we’re not meant for anything greater. That we should just settle. That were never good enough. But the reality is, we as individuals allow these things to hold us back. I’ve learned over time, and that I am still learning, is that what I thought defined me, what I believed held me back from seeing my true authentic self, was never anyone else’s fault but my own. It is true that the shitty things that happen in your life make the work that much harder, but it is only you who is in charge of how your story plays out. It’s up to you to rewrite it, no matter how many changes need to be made, to take your power back.
I stopped blaming my past, as blame will get you nowhere. Instilling that drama in your life is a waste of an emotion and space, so why not learn from it and create a better future for yourself. Learn from your mistakes. Leave the garbage at the curb. Own your shit. Forgive yourself and realize that sometimes you just need to take a step back in order to move forward. No one is perfect. Just know that with each baby step your take, and with each hurdle you overcome, and with each accomplishment you achieve, life will be that much easier, living each day knowing that you at least tried.
Why am I telling you all these things? Well because this is what makes up the whole purpose and is the entirety of Dollz By Dezign being in existence. It’s the “you go girl”, in your face, no sugar coated support network of women. It’s purpose is to either give you a pat on the back, or an abrupt nudge to bring you back to senses. We’re here to help you realize you deserve better. It’s the help and support of so many other women out there like myself to give you that extra push to take that power back, because trust me it’s there, and always has been.
Dollz by Dezign was a vision of mine which I created a few years back. The basis still remains the same, but I needed to rewrite my own story to move forward. Change is scary, but brilliant all the same. It’s when you realize that to move forward you also need to change the things that are important to you. So it is with excitement that I am introducing the newly revamped Dollz By Dezign. With restructuring, a brand new look, out of the box, no filter, more in your face blogs such as Girl With No Name, Real Men Don’t Abuse Women, So Tell Me What You Really Think and The Skully Files, and newly created education and mentorship programs such as The Believe Foundation, The Geriatric Foundation and Crochet For A Cause, and so many other pretty kickass things for women to show up, be seen and take part in, and the oldie but the goodie like The Doll Challenge, the vision is still the same, that if helping not only one woman, and the possibility of many more as well, realize their full potential, she has a choice of how her life will play out, and will then be the best version of her true authentic self that she has always truly deserved.
Let’s all work together to redezign the world we live in, contributing to everyone around us.
Much love,