
Dollz by Dezign is a not-for-profit charitable organization. Everyone that helps run our website, and organize our events, are by volunteer basis only, but there are costs to making it all run smoothly.

Would you be interested in becoming a supporting member of the Believe Foundation Mentorship Program or for the up and coming Geriatric Wish Foundation for a fee of $10.00 a month. This fee gives you access to monthly financial reports and details, with the option to also become more involved as a Board Member?

If you feel we here are doing a good thing, and helping others around us, please join us by being a sponsor. There is no limit to the cost of sponsorship because we truly appreciate all the help we can get big or small.

If you or your company would like to become a sponsor, please fill out your information below and we will gladly get back to you as soon as we can.

Donate To
Dollz By Dezign

Dollz By Dezign is more than a website – it’s our collective heartbeat, a platform of empowerment, and an unfiltered space where we women find strength. Every contribution keeps this vision pulsating, allowing us to grow, reach out, and change narratives.

Your donation is not just about a website; it’s an investment in a world where every woman feels seen and heard. It fuels our programs, blogs, and dreams.

Join me in reshaping our future. Every bit counts. Let’s make sure that Dollz By Dezign remains our beacon of hope and empowerment.

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